
 I used to write a lot of things. Between 2005 and 2013 I wrote nearly 4000 blog posts. This covered my marriage, the birth of all three of my children and lots of other things as well. As time passes, I'm afraid that the blog will someday disappear and I don't want that. So I'm looking into gathering the blog into a form that can be published. 

But 4000 blog posts is a lot and frankly, not everything that I've written is golden. I'm trying to edit things down in a more compressed form. Not include the random pictures of beautiful things (I'm a great lover of beauty!) or posts about videos that won't translate into a static form. Probably trim a bunch of posts on football and baseball. Since I'm copying and pasting, I might also consolidate various posts together. I'll include original posting dates to help anyone who absolutely needs everything in chronological order. It should look like this, my very first blog post:

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Oscar comparison (or what I did during 2005)

I've long had an itch to scratch and now I'm doing it. I've long wanted to go back to previous year's Best Picture nominees, watch them in a tight amount of time and compare them. In fact, I've wanted to take an entire decade of nominees so I could review and compare. Well, I'm not getting any younger, so I'll have a go this year. Before 2005 is over I'm going to watch all 50 of the Best Picture noms from the 90's. About once a week should do it.
I've seen 39 of these movies previously. I even own 15 of them. I have no training in watching movies. I'm strictly an amateur at this kind of thing. And I guess I'm only doing it for myself anyway, so there!


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